Casa Study 'Period Pieces' for ARK Journal VOL VII

Styled by Pernille Vest 

Throwback to our exciting collaboration with the interior stylist Pernille Vest and the Copenhagen-based biannual magazine Ark Journal.

The case study 'Period Pieces' shows how Scandinavian design, with its timelessness, can assimilate easily with other styles and epochs while retaining its distinctive purity and aura of calm assurance.
In the graceful surroundings of the house built in 1918 and created by Danish sculptor Rikard Axel Poulsen, Pernille combined refined design pieces from different places and times, resulting in a harmonious blend of history and modernity.

Our stainless steel Brandt coffee table, Gropius Chair, and Gropius Low Chair all found their place in this stunning interior, adding to its unique charm.
